Elysium Noosa operates under a Community Management Scheme, which all owners and residents abide by. The Community Management Scheme comprises the following key elements:
- Titles and lots that comprise the Body Corporate
- Lot entitlements including interest and contribution schedules
- The By-laws of the Body relating to all aspects of the community and land
- The regulations which govern the Body Corporate
Download a copy of the Community Management Scheme
Body Corporate Committee
The Body Corporate Committee comprises 7 volunteer committee members who formally meet three times per year (and informally more regularly) to discuss and progress key issues relating to the Estate in order to ensure the high standard of our environment continues to be maintained.
Your Day-to-Day Contacts and their Roles
The Elysium Noosa Community Management Scheme provides for the following on-site management for owners and residents:
- the landscaping maintenance of common areas;
- access passes to the Recreation Club;
- a community website; and
- General Manager.